Sunday, November 25, 2012

Jean Shin

Jean Shin is an artist living in New York City. Shin is known for her transformation of objects into a conceptually revealing sculptural design. Her work generally involves a lot of labor as she accumulates mass amounts of materials for each project. She works with everything from broken umbrellas, lottery tickets, pill bottles, lost socks, worn shoes, etc. Shin may accumulate hundreds or thousands of these objects in order to produce a deeper meaning targeting both personal and collective associations. She relies on community and collective input of objects and labor in order to complete her visions, which often brings a bit of controversy over whether or not it remains her artwork since she is only overseeing it. I was on the fence about the issue. On one hand she does create the vision and idea and without that start, there would be nothing. But I also believe in the artist touch, which she has little input in. I would like to see her more involved with the hands-on process, but I appreciate the vision all the same.

image of artwork

Broken umbrellas and thread
Variable height x 72 ft w x 42 ft d
Commissioned by Socrates Sculpture Park, New York

image of artwork
Melted 78 rpm records on
wooden armature
5.2 ft h x 12 ft w x 12 ft d
Installation at Museum of Arts & Design, New York, 2008
5.2 ft h x 7.7 ft w x 8.8 ft d
Installation at Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, 2007

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