Saturday, November 24, 2012

Artist Research: Michael Muller

I was checking out Michael Muller's photography and was thinking how brilliant it was. I have never seen work quite as astonishing, in my opinion. He seems to capture everything at its peak, it is incredible. After looking at his website, I researched him further and came to realize that he is actually already quite famous by his credentials. He is known for his award-winning celebrity and advertising photography and a director of campaigns with brands like Speedo, Nike, Kodak, Coca-Cola, Range Rover, Elle, Rolling Stone, The New York Times, etc. He has also shot art for Iron Man, X-Men, The Avengers, etc.

Aside from this, he has recently experimented with underwater photography and nature footage. This is what actually caught my attention. I was going to say that I finally found a photographer who sufficiently captured some of my most favorite animals' greatest qualities. It was after this that I found his celebrity work and other gallery images. Everything captured my eye and I could not stop looking at all of the pictures. 

Muller was raised in Northern California but traveled quite a bit in his younger years. He traveled to more than forty-five different countries. His family moved to Saudi Arabia for his father's work, and here he discovered his love for photography. He was later accepted into the Otis Parsons School of Design but chose to drop out after one semester. He decided that self-education was a better fit for him and by 22 he was photographing some of the most prestigious names in entertainment and fashion.

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