Saturday, November 24, 2012

Artist Research: Rashad Alakbarov

I know we were talking about this in class. I believe it was for my forks, spoons, and knives project and how the reflections can create an entirely new image with the shadows. I know there are a few artists who are working with this medium, but I found Rashad Alakbarov because I actually thought this first piece was a painting with an installation accompanying it.Rashad Alakbarov Paints with Shadows and Light lighting light installation color

Rashad Alakbarov studied at the Azerbaijan State University of Fine Art in 2001. He graduated here with an emphasis in the Decorative Arts. He uses various mediums in the installations that he creates in order to project images in its shadow. The shadows resemble scenes and images which are generally familiar to the viewer. His work is known to challenge expectations with his use of incongruous objects.

Rashad Alakbarov Paints with Shadows and Light lighting light installation color

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