Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jae Won Lee

Jae Won Lee received her Master of Fine Arts from New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University in 1995 and now resides in Michigan where she teaches courses. She hand builds porcelain and also uses paper and hair in her pieces. She puts a lot of her Korean and United States heritage in her work and reflects that dichotomy of the two cultural worlds. It is her human experience incorporated into something that can be viewed as an object. She works with many multiples and so enhances the meditative space for her work. She may use hundreds of bundles of tiny needles or porcelain coils or discs. It expresses ultimate necessity like the minimalist and formalist work.

"Sleepwalking around the Peach Garden"
Object I: Frail Hope, Internal Distance 
12" x 27" x 13"

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