Thursday, October 4, 2012

Howard Sparber: Attitude Graphics Gallery...Sparber is best known for his cartoon drawings which depict societal issues. He began sketching classes at the age of 16 while attending Brooklyn College.He has worked with a range of different mediums such as watercolors and mix-media. He has also created sculptures, but cartoons seem to be his specialty. One of his most influential cartoon drawings was for the pamphlet "The Myth That Threatens America" which was funded by the primary US propaganda organizations during WWII. He addresses such things as racial prejudices. Symbolism, text, and symbolic colors work to convey his message and point out key issues in order to try to stop racial bigotry and religious intolerance with his images. He displays the American mindset and the issues within that, whether it is dealing with perceptions on childhood raising, or religion. I really appreciated his art because he points out the obvious that is often overlooked but needs desperately to be addressed. His messages from his cartoons are important for people to view in order to understand the world and what needs to be altered to make it better.

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